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从一个npm ERR谈到npm cache


npm ERR! As of npm@5, the npm cache self-heals from corruption issues and data extracted from the cache is guaranteed to be valid. If you want to make sure everything is consistent, use 'npm cache verify' instead.
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! If you're sure you want to delete the entire cache, rerun this command with --force.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /home/maintain/.npm/_logs/2018-08-16T02_32_21_947Z-debug.log

当然,这个报错并没有导致整个编译挂掉,因为执行的时候加了+e(sh +xe xx.sh)。相当于忽略错误。

然后,看了一下报错日志,发现是因为执行npm cache clean导致的。



npm cache

npm cache有三个方法

  1. add,就是在本地缓存中增加具体的包,主要是供npm内部调用。
  2. clean,就是清空整个缓存。
  3. verfiy,验证缓存文件夹的内容,清除掉不需要的数据,验证缓存索引和所有的数据是否完整。

然后,为什么不能直接使用npm cache clean呢?


All data that passes through the cache is fully verified for integrity on both insertion and extraction. Cache corruption will either trigger an error, or signal to pacote that the data must be refetched, which it will do automatically. For this reason, it should never be necessary to clear the cache for any reason other than reclaiming disk space, thus why clean now requires –force to run.


不管是增加还是移除,所有通过cache获取到的数据都会被验证它的完整性。缓存不一致都会导致抛出一个错误,并且发送一个信号告诉pacote数据需要自动的重新获取。因为有这么一个验证机制,除非恢复磁盘空间,否则没有必要清除缓存。如果真的要清楚,则必须加上 –force。


最后,强烈推荐我们使用npm cache verfiy替代npm cache clean

最终,我们改成了npm cache verfiy
